With the New Year fast approaching many will soon be focusing on reclaiming the fitness of their youth with a
New Year's Resolution. One of the most popular ways to make this happen
is with the assistance of social fitness apps that track and share your
progress. Connecting your workout to the web is a great way to find
motivation and inspiration for what would often be a solo activity. But
could posting your fitness activity publicly put your safety at risks?
It's no secret I love cycling. I'll take it in any form I can get really. The speed, the risk, and the scenery get the adrenaline pumping. And that's convenient because adrenaline is my drug of choice. "Hi, My name is David and I'm an adrenaline junkie."
Though I've dabbled in many different forms of cycling, road cycling has been the go-to
for most of my life, until recently. After years of hammering pavement I
needed an escape from the smog and near death experiences caused by
riding with angry drivers so I've begun seeking out roads less traveled.